Jumble Cash
BINANCE SMART CHAIN transactions are not private. Jumble is a simple service and will increase your privacy when making transactions on the Binance Smart Chain. Jumble secures your transactions between addresses. jumble effectively helps you sever all links between old and new mixed BNB by mixing everyone's coins using a specially crafted randomization algorithm. JUMBLE CASH'S MISSION is to develop and implement financial instruments that offer privacy in open finance. with a latent value of around ~ 85 billion USD at BNB, they believe that BNB supporters deserve peace of mind regarding their financial history, wealth trail, past and future transactions. the Jumble Cash pool represents privacy but more importantly, an easy-to-use interface for conducting private transactions. ADVANTAGES WE CAN ENJOY The Jumble Pool currently offers a browser wallet that is creating inherent privacy. Familiar user experience with complete privacy. Jumble will hide all of your financial data b...